Ah, the Cha Cha Slide – that iconic dance capable of whisking you back to every wedding you've attended since the year 2000. Yet, let's face it: 'how low can you go? Can you go down low? All the way to the floor?' In the realm of self-esteem, many of us find ourselves sinking to some pretty low depths, at least from time to time. But, as the lyrics command, there's a remedy: "Reverse, Reverse!"
"Slide to the left," they say. "Slide to the right," they urge. And then, just like that, "Freeze!" These commands, designed for the dance floor can carry a profound implication for our confidence, self-love, and self-worth. Much like the twists and turns of the Cha Cha Slide, we too can navigate the twists and turns of our own thoughts, all while having some fun in the process.
Often termed as "pivoting," the act of redirecting thoughts is a common subject in cognitive psychology and self-help discussions. Numerous psychologists, therapists, and motivational speakers endorse the idea of changing one's mindset or pivoting thoughts from negative to positive. While the language may differ, the concept of consciously altering thought patterns for a more positive outlook remains a constant theme in personal development. Using the Cha Cha Slide offers a unique and playful twist to the familiar theme of transforming our thoughts.
When those self-deprecating thoughts start creeping in, it's time to channel the Cha Cha Slide. Like the song says, 'Reverse, Reverse!' Flip the narrative by acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments.
When your mind unexpectedly drags you into recalling an uncomfortable situation, gently 'slide to the right'. Recognize that it led you there, but you don't need to linger in that space. Return to the present moment. Take a moment to observe your surroundings. What aspects of this moment bring you appreciation? Shift your focus to something positive that resonates with you.
When you find yourself starting to beat yourself up over a mistake, it's time to 'FREEZE – Everybody clap your hands'. Well, maybe you won't actually clap your hands, or perhaps you will? We'd applaud you if you did. Halting a negative thought in its tracks deserves a round of applause. Acknowledge it, and give yourself credit, for in that moment, you're taking control of your mindset.
Turning negative thoughts around might seem like a daunting task, but with the iconic choreography of the Cha Cha Slide, you can make it a fun game as you bring it to the top, like you're never gonna stop'.
Thanks for taking this dance break with me.
Have fun out there today! And when you start clapping your hands, know others are clapping with you.
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Pivoting thoughts is easier when we write them down! Get a Blank Slate Journal to take control of your positive mental health habits.