It'’s been really cool to talk to people who’ve purchased and are working through “You Are Beautiful. Prompt Journal For Building Confidence and Self-Worth”. I am noticing small, yet profound shifts in their speech. Specifically when they talk about themselves and accepting compliments. It’s truly exciting Although these changes are seemingly small, over time they build to be BIG shifts in confidence, self-worth and self-respect. It’s such an honor to watch this change occurring in old and new friends.
Please, keep it up, everyone. You DESERVE your respect. You DESERVE your love. Thank you for giving it to you. When you treat yourself well, the whole world benefits.
I’m sending you ALL the love,
The reviews are coming back! The wholesomeness of them bring tears to my eyes. Thank you for taking a chance on "You Are Beautiful. A Prompt Journal for Building Confidence and Self-Worth." I hope to release more empowering content to guide you on your life experience.
If you ever have questions about this journal or Appreciate U, my business for helping people decrease negative self-talk and increase thoughts of empowerment, happiness, and self-worth, please let me know. I'm happy to discuss it and answer your questions!
Have a great Sunday ☀️
With love, Maija @appreciateuofficial
Mothers Knows
My mom is about to finish her “You Are Beautiful.” journal. She’s caught on to some subtle, (possibly subliminal) messages that are not ‘written’ in the book, but, if completed in earnest, will give you a deeper message. Some of your reviews point to your understanding of the deeper meaning of this book. Can you guess what it is? More importantly, can you feel what it is?
I’m proud of each and everyone of you . Keep going!
Cling the Charts
Our humble little prompt journal is now the 31st best seller in Aging and Style! As I watch "You Are Beautiful. A Prompt Journal.." slowly and steadily climb the charts, I think of
six weeks ago. Six weeks ago I told you about this book. You received it with enthusiasm and open arms. Now I'm releasing Mood Boost and thinking of exciting ways to move forward with Appreciate U. Things can change for the better and they can change FAST. I'm so glad you're on this wild journey with me. You'll never know how truly grateful I am for you.